Life Happens...Sparkle Anyway! TM

What Is Sparkle Mining?

Sometimes life gets tough, we stuff our real feelings , "suck it up" and just get on with it. Think of this as an "emotional bandaid" of sorts. The problem is when we continue to stuff our feelings, over time we will begin to feel jaded, not so happy... sometimes we just feel like we are going thru the motions of life. We can even forget what USED to make us happy, what made us SPARKLE.

Sparkle Mining is a safe place to start reclaiming your joy- your sparkle. It is full of resources to help you start mining... start your emotional "search and rescue",then cleaning up, polishing and reclaiming the lost parts of yourself so you can sparkle again!

Life happens...Sparkle Anyway!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Stories Are You Writing Today Darling?

 What stands between you and what you most desire? 
 What stories have you written to explain why you cannot achieve your dreams yet?
Your answers might relate to a lack of money, time, support from family, or all of these. 
Obstacles can seem so numerous, so obvious, and so tough to change.
You can relate to obstacles in many ways. Typical responses are to explain them or resist them.
Both responses take a lot of time and energy. And both anchor you firmly in the past, keeping your focus on areas of your life that are not working. 
To immediately generate alternatives, remember a simple analogy...
 Imagine that you’re driving down a scenic highway. Suddenly you come to a huge rock in the middle of the road.

At this moment you have several options. You could try to explain how the rock ended up there. You could also go into resistance mode, complaining about the carelessness of highway construction or the lack of state funding for rock removal.
Or, you could bypass all this negativity and remove the obstacle from your life at once. Instead of explaining the rock or resisting it, just drive around it.

When faced with obstacles, people often respond with questions based the stories they have created to interpret an event, such as:
- Why am I so alone?
- Why does this always happen to me?
- Why am I such a failure?

However, you always have another option. You can ask questions that help you drive around any obstacle in your life- questions that help you write NEW stories- more positive and empowering stories.
Questions have uncanny power. Questions direct your attention— and along with it, how you think and how you feel. If you want to create different thoughts, feelings, and results into your life, then ask different questions.
Start now by skipping the why questions and begin asking what questions, such as:
               1) What’s the lesson here?
Experiences do not come prepackaged with empowering lessons. Everything hinges on how you interpret experiences, and your interpretations can change over the years. A single event can take you a step closer to emotional contraction or expansion. It all depends on how you interpret that event...the story you attach to it.
Instead of resisting a challenge, just lean into it. Ask yourself: How can I interpret this event in a more powerful way? What’s a positive lesson that’s waiting here to be learned?
                  2) What’s my next action?

This question shines a spotlight on solutions. No matter what happens, you can choose what to say and do in response. Rather than manifesting resistance or explanation, you can choose your next action.

Successful people hold a bias for action.
Add inspiration and intention to the mix, and you gain an unstoppable momentum.

Sparkly Hugs, Tobi and the Pixies!