Life Happens...Sparkle Anyway! TM

What Is Sparkle Mining?

Sometimes life gets tough, we stuff our real feelings , "suck it up" and just get on with it. Think of this as an "emotional bandaid" of sorts. The problem is when we continue to stuff our feelings, over time we will begin to feel jaded, not so happy... sometimes we just feel like we are going thru the motions of life. We can even forget what USED to make us happy, what made us SPARKLE.

Sparkle Mining is a safe place to start reclaiming your joy- your sparkle. It is full of resources to help you start mining... start your emotional "search and rescue",then cleaning up, polishing and reclaiming the lost parts of yourself so you can sparkle again!

Life happens...Sparkle Anyway!

What is Sparkle Mining?

Sparkle Mining is a safe place to start reclaiming your joy- your sparkle.  It is full of resources to help you start mining... start  your emotional "search and rescue",then  cleaning up, polishing  and reclaiming the lost parts of yourself so you can sparkle again!
Life happens...Sparkle Anyway!

How did we lose our sparkle anyway??

Life moves at lightning speed these days and it is easy in our rushing about getting things done to "throw out" important parts of ourselves.

Throwing out parts of ourselves is usually not a conscious act, it happens when we put ourselves in the background- and it's usually done with the noblest of intentions.

We "think" we don't have enough time to do things that we enjoy to the core and that make us really happy...

We stop dreaming because we have "reality" to deal with and we just don't have time...

We put exercise into the category of things to do "when we have the time"...

We feel guilty if we actually use precious time to do something that we enjoy, because we guilt ourselves into believing that others come first.

What we forget is that "sparkling" or living in complete joy at our highest good is one of the most important gifts that we can give to others.